TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi face and body application reduces wrinkles and tightens skin by non-invasively heating the deep layers of the dermis without damaging the epidermis. This encourages collagen contraction and new collagen formation.

With Tempsure Envi, you can give your patients an easy, gentle way to maintain tighter, younger-looking skin without invasive procedures or downtime, no matter what their skin type or the time of year. And you can give your business a way to maximize its ROI that only increases over time.

That’s the beauty of Tempsure Envi.

TempSure Q & A

What is TempSure?

TempSure Envi face and body application reduces wrinkles and tightens skin by non-invasively heating the deep layers of the dermis without damaging the epidermis. This encourages collagen contraction and new collagen formation.

Is TempSure Safe?

TempSure delivers safe, consistent, reliable RF skin tightening treatments in any practitioner’s hands

Does the Treatment Hurts ?

No. The TempSure Firm handpiece delivers heat in a consistent and gradual manner. Clients report a spa-like, deep warming sensation during their treatments. Most clients say they could fall asleep during the treatments.

How long Treatment take?

Treatments take five minutes for a full abdomen and ten minutes for both thighs. Typically, five minutes per selected area.

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